To students and future students
I studied English in the United States for two years. I studied Korean for many years. I’m still a beginner in Korean. I can hardly speak. Therefore, I understand very well the embarrassment and fearful feelings when one starts to speak Japanese. Let’s study by speaking, reading and writing Japanese together and at your speed.
I can’t help but love how my students use Japanese with a shy smile. I’m glad when my students feel proud of their progress. In addition to studying Japanese, it is also important for me to answer your questions about living in Japan and share your experiences with you.

As all my current students know, Japanese is a very unique language and you have to learn hiragana (about 50) and katakana (about 50) first. We start by studying Chinese characters. Don’t be discouraged. If you were able to learn Japanese at a young age in school, you may be able to learn it quickly, but as an adult, you may be busy every day, so it might be difficult for you to find time to practice. Most of my students are at the beginner levels, so I offer skills to help them learn the difficult first levels while laughing and having fun.
I look forward to meeting you and discussing your wishes and helping to maximize your time here in Japan!
Thank you Naomi

M y Dear Lisa and Susan
A long time ago, when I was studying English in America, I had a host family. We still keep in touch. Especially my host mother Lisa who sends me cards for my birthday and Christmas every year. In my heart, I know that I was so lucky to meet them and have them as my host family. Also, I met a wonderful teacher Susan at the same period of time. We still keep in touch to this day! I used to ask her if my English made sense or not. She wrote me and said, “ Naomi, you ask me all the time if I understand your English, but your English is always good enough to understand.” Ever since then, her thoughtful words always gave me courage to use English without being shy. It is my wish to be like Susan for my students. It is my sole purpose in teaching!

I was born in Tokyo in 1965. I currently live in Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture. I graduated from Bunka Fashion College. I studied abroad at Otterbein college ESL, Ohio. After I returned to Japan, I completed a Japanese language teacher training course. After I got married, I did volunteer work to teach Japanese to foreigners living in Japan while raising children. I graduated from the Open University of Japan Faculty of Education at the age of 45. I started a Japanese-English conversation salon at my home in earnest from 2014. I preside over the Apple pie club meeting, a gathering of Japanese and foreigners. In 2018, I started posting useful information on Japanese foods and ingredients for foreigners on Instagram. After 2020, due to the influence of Corona, I switched from home lessons to online lessons, which has become mainstream and continues to the present day.
私は1965年に東京で生まれました。神奈川県横須賀市に住んでいます。 文化服装学院を卒業しました。 私はオハイオ州のオターバイン大学ESLに留学しました。 帰国後、日本語教師養成講座を修了しました。 結婚後、子育てしながら各国の外国人に日本語を教えるボランティアをしました。 放送大学教育学部を45歳で卒業しました。2014年から本格的に自宅で日英会話サロンを始めました。日本人と外国人の集まりであるアップルパイクラブミーティングを主宰しています。 2018年からインスタグラムに外国人向けの日本の食材に関する役立つ情報を掲載し始めました。 2020年以降、コロナの影響でホームレッスンからオンラインレッスンに切り替え、現在も主流となっています。

My publication
I took my learning of English a step further and wrote a book. It is to help learn simple Japanese phrases with Hiragana, Katakana, Roman letters and includes English translation. If you want to know some Japanese phrases without reading Hiragana or Katakana, it may help you to use it !!!
I published the book in 2019.

Special Thanks to Liz Hale